How do we make income?

Planned Strategies

Trendespresso and 8-year crypto analyst and master trader Adam Hesketh (The Baked Potato) are close colleagues. Together they will oversee the initial strategy offerings.

Our first three strategies are:

  1. The Baked Potato's Triple Confirmation Strategy (BTC-USD)

  2. Bitcoin Swing using Trendespresso Affogato (BTC-USD)

  3. Bitcoin Macro

Over time we will endeavour to onboard additional veteran traders and to offer more strategy pairs. The two most likely candidates for the latter are ETH-USD and AVAX-USD.

For a list of all our strategies, please visit the Strategies section or use the strategy selector dropdown at

Hardcoded Tokens

The asset and cash tokens of each strategy are hardcoded. If you join a Bitcoin-US Dollar strategy which employs the BTC.b and USDC tokens, you can be sure that all trades will be exclusively between BTC.b and USDC. Your trust is extremely important to us. We take your authorisation of trading only a specific trading pair very seriously. As a result, our smart contract code makes sure that if you authorise us to trade BTC we can't ever instead trade another asset such as ETH or AVAX; for those you'd need to join a new strategy with a different trade pairing.

How do we make income?

Our fee structure is easy to understand and automatically collected at the conclusion of each trade:

☕️ Monthly subscription fee collected in ŦE tokens ☕️ 20% revenue share of profits

Can I reduce the trading fees?

Absolutely! Depositing large sums of ŦE tokens into Trendespresso will reduce your profit sharing percentage. For every Ŧ20,000 on deposit you will receive a 1% reduction in the profit sharing (starting at Ŧ20,000 with a maximum 50% reduction for minimum profit share of 10%).

Reducing your Profit Share percentage by depositing more than Ŧ20,000 will apply to all strategies you've joined!

ŦE tokens deposited in Trendespresso are pooled across the entire system and any benefits given, such as the reduction of the Profit Share fee, are similarly granted across all strategies.

Whilst the current subscription fee is a static Ŧ200 (Individual) or Ŧ100 (Pooled) per month, we expect this number to change in the future. Once ŦE token becomes listed and tradeable on a secondary market, we will need to reassess the monthly subscription fee. Consideration will need to be given to price volatility, our total AUM, our frequency of trades, and strategy profitability. Until we've grown sufficiently, we will be sticking to the static rate.

Last updated